After you've covered the basics of email deliverability and SPF, so it’s time to set up DKIM records. In this post, we'll cover what they are, why you need one for your domain, and how to create them.
So what is a DKIM Record?
A DKIM record is a certificate that allows email servers to authenticate an email and ensure it isn’t false. It works using a pair of keys that act as a signature for validation. It's a line of code that lets your email recipients know everything is legit and on the up and up.
Without a DKIM record in your DNS settings, your subscribers' email servers could not authenticate the validity of the email you send them. That would cause your deliverability to take a hard knock and your open rate to hit the floor.
Don’t panic! Adding one is really easy, and a quick test will let you know if you’ve done it well.
Adding a DKIM Record
Your email service provider should have provided you with the DKIM TXT to utilize. To add the record, login to your domain, and navigate to DNS Settings.
• Under DNS setting select “Add Record”
• You should then see a screen which asks you to specify the type, host name, and TTL.
• For type, select TXT
• For Host, type in your domain name
• Once this is done simply add the DKIM txt file and click “add”.
And that’s it, you’re done!
Testing that your DKIM record is behaving
There are a host of good sites you can visit that can analyze your DKIM, SPF, and DMARC records to make sure everything is as it should be. Sites like these make quick work of checking your signatures and pointing out any potential problems or failed record adding attempts. Here are two I recommend.
If the test comes back solid, you’re all set. The last step in ensuring your email deliverability is optimum would be DMARC. Read that next time!